First, I’d like to welcome you to my site! I’m excited to share my ideas and inspiration and meet others with similar interests.
When I decided to blog, I wrote down the things that described what I wanted to blog about and that focused on my interests. I tried to come up with a name, but it seemed that all of the great ones were being used, so I started playing with acronyms. I came up with CHOP. And since I was a Mom, I thought chopmom sounded catchy. That evening at dinner, I told my family of my idea and my name. (No one was too surprised, since I frequently try new things.) I announced that CHOP stood for “calm, happy, organized and peaceful Mom“. I was met with faces that stopped chewing mid-chew and blank stares, My 16 year old son raised his eyes and asked “Really?” No—of course not. I’d like to think that sometimes I’m a few of those at the same time, but that doesn’t quite describe me. A more likely acronym would be “Chaotic House Of Projects”.
What it really stood for was: Crafts, Homemaking, Organization (or my attempts at organization), and Photography (my passion). I hope you find some inspiration for your life here.